Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lamborghini Sesto Elemento is already listed for sale at €2M

The Sesto Elemento concept was conceived as a design study, technology and previewing the styling we might expect to see on the next generation of Lamborghini supercars.A few months back, shortly after it was revealed at the Paris Motor Show, reports began to become apparent suggesting that the Italian automaker could put it into production, however limited.

Now the car is listed for sale by an exotic car dealership in Germany. Although the reported original listing on the online marketplace is no longer there to be found, it is still up on Auto Salon Singen's website with an approximately €2 million ($2.63M USD) list price – €1.9m before tax, €2.3m after.

Lamborghini Sesto Elemento is already listed for sale at €2M

The Sesto Elemento concept was conceived as a design study, technology and previewing the styling we might expect to see on the next generation of Lamborghini supercars.A few months back, shortly after it was revealed at the Paris Motor Show, reports began to become apparent suggesting that the Italian automaker could put it into production, however limited.

Now the car is listed for sale by an exotic car dealership in Germany. Although the reported original listing on the online marketplace is no longer there to be found, it is still up on Auto Salon Singen's website with an approximately €2 million ($2.63M USD) list price – €1.9m before tax, €2.3m after.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Vestidos de novia Romona Keveza


Vestidos de novia 2011 Romona Keveza, un despliegue de glamour y originalidad es la colección primavera 2011 de Romona Keveza para vestir a las novias de la temporada 2011. Romona Keveza es un nombre muy conocido a la hora de vestir a las celebridades y sus originales y hermosos diseños están siempre en las alfombras rojas de los grandes eventos lucidos por las más famosas estrellas, no es para menos luego de ver estos bonitos vestidos, ustedes estarán de acuerdo que es una moda diferente y bella.


Propuestas con muchos detalles, vestidos con ornamentos encantadores, un vestido negro para las que gustan de ser diferentes, una combinación de colores en un maravilloso vestido blanco con un ramo de novio en un color realmente fabuloso, todos estos vestidos con muchas faldas amplias y también los hay ceñidos, largos y claro está algunas opciones en corto para las que quieren un vestido de novia diferente.


Tocados de novia con flores frescas


El cabello de la novia y como lo lucira en el importante dia de su boda es otro de los aspectos claves a tener en cuenta a la hora de planear todo lo referido al evento, ya que hay que dar con el estilo justo para que la mujer se vea representada y hermosa en el dia mas importante de su vida.

Hay muchas opciones para el cabello de la novia, una que seguramente nunca pasa de moda por lo compatible que resulta, es la de utilizar apliques o tocados realizados en flores, ya que la gran variedad existente, tanto en formas, tamaños y flores, hace que cada una pueda tener uno que la represente.

Los tocados de flores para la cabeza de la novia pueden lucirse como vemos en imagenes con el cabello recogido, aunque tambien vale la opcion de dejar algo suelto en la parte de atras, sobre todo si complementa con el tipo de escote del vestido de novia.

Los hay en forma de coronas, de broches, de flores grandes que ocupan toda la cabeza, o de mas pequeñas que se llevan tambien con hojitas.

Lo cierto es que aportan a look nupcial un toque sumamente femenino y casi magico, ideal para las novias que se casen de dia, y lo mejor de todo es que pueden asociar este aplique a todo el resto de la decoracion, ya que el ramo de la novia puede llevar las mismas flores, o algunas del mismo color, mientras que el aplique del novio tambien puede combinarse, si todo se manda a hacer en la misma floreria.

Si bien estamos en temporada de invierno, esta opcion no pasa de moda y nada tiene que ver con el calor solamente, ya que flores hay todo el año, solo hay que buscar las de la temporada.


Vestidos de novia color plata


Del mismo modo que no todas las novias son iguales no todos los vestidos son iguales. Como bien se dice para gustos colores, es por eso que algunas novias prescinden del típico vestido de novia blanco y optan por otros con colores más atrevidos.

Bien es cierto que el blanco no es un color que pueda favorecer a todas, ya sea por el color de piel o por la silueta de la persona, quizás este es uno de los motivos por el que las novias no escogen este color para su vestido de novia aunque también pueden haber otros muchos o simplemente que no le guste seguir las tradiciones.

Existe un color poco común en los vestidos de novia pero que aun de ser así muchos diseñadores lo añaden en sus colecciones, este es el color plata y toda la gama de grises que este abarca. Quizás en la actualidad no sea uno de los colores más escogidos entre las novias, aunque no significa que muchas de ellas no opten por este color.

Es posible que muchas hayáis visto un vestido de novia que os haya enamorado pero lo preferís en plateado. No todos los vestidos que nos gustan están disponibles en toda la gama de colores, por ese motivo, una opción es que acudas a una modista o diseñadora profesional en trajes de boda y le muestres el diseño exacto que te gusta, de ese modo ella podrá coser el vestido en el color y la tela que hayas escogido.


El Protocolo de Bodas en la Iglesia


En más de una ocasión hemos hablado sobre las normas que rigen el protocolo en las bodas. Y para ampliar esto, haciendo que quede muy claro, siguiendo el dicho de “una imagen vale más que mil palabras” os dejamos este mapa donde se explica fenomenal como va la colocación de los invitados, novios, padres y padrinos-madrinas, en las bodas.

1º Como podéis ver el protocolo marca que el novio debe de entrar del brazo de la madrina, siempre llevando a esta colocada a su izquierda, esperar dentro de la iglesia la llegada de la novia, colocado a la derecha del altar. A su lado debe estar siempre madrina.

Por su lado, el padre de el novio y la madre de la novia deben de esperar colocados en los bancos primeros de cada fila, cada uno en la que corresponde a cada familia.

Los invitados por su lado deben colocarse según cercanía dejando siempre las primeras filar para los familiares. Los de la novia siempre se deben de colocarse en la fila de bancos de la izquierda, y los del novio, en la fila derecha, tal y como os novios van a colocarse durante la ceremonia en el altar.

2º La entrada de la novia debe de ser anunciada por la marca nupcial y la hará del brazo de su padrino siempre colocado a su izquierda, cogida del brazo derecho de este.

Ya en el altar la entrega de la novia deben de hacerse frente al altar, de espaldas a el, situados la novia a la izquierda y el novio a la derecha franqueados a ambos lados por la madrina y el padrino.

3º Después de esto las posiciones se deben de cambiar, dejando a la novia al lado derecho del novio, teniendo a su lado derecho a la madrina. Por su lado el novio tendrá a su izquierda al padrino

En algún caso excepcional, uno de los dos contrayentes, o los dos, eran hijos únicos, he visto colocar a los cuatro padres, siguiendo a la madrina, el padre del novio, y al padrino, a la madre de la novia.
Esto es totalmente aceptable, así como cualquier otra variación moderada, ya que si bien el protocolo hay que seguirlo, este no es rígido y debe adaptarse a las circunstancias personales y emocionales.

4º Y finalizada la ceremonia, la novia en la salida, deberá colocarse a la izquierda del novio, posición que mantendrá durante los diferentes actos de la boda, ya sea en la mesa del convite, en el corte de la tarta, o en la salida del baile.


Modernas invitaciones de boda

Si ya decidieron casarse, una de las primeras acciones es elegir las invitaciones de boda. Al visitar las tiendas especializadas en este producto, podrán darse cuenta que hay estilos y modelos para todos los gustos, para los novios conservadores, para los novios exóticos, para los novios divertidos, etc. Todo dependerá de las características y personalidad de la pareja y del tipo de boda que quieran realizar.

Hoy en día son cada vez más las parejas de novios que deciden usar invitaciones divertidas para su matrimonio, como que esta de moda salirse del patrón de las antiguas costumbres, en donde las invitaciones eran de un sólo color, bastante sobrias y sin imágenes.

Hemos obtenido unos modelos de invitaciones de boda muy divertidas y refrescantes, ideas de una página web especialista en este rubro dentro de España, algunas de las cuales las mostramos a continuación:

Invitación de boda usando las imágenes de una baraja de cartas. ¿Se ven súper divertidas verdad? Anímate a usar este modelo.

¿Encontraste a tu media naranja? Imaginamos que si y que por eso te casas.

Si quieres expresar que estas con la persona correcta, este modelo es el indicado. Tus invitados tendrán una sonrisa al abrir tus invitaciones.

Y ahora que se casan, ya no son dos, sino uno. Este cierre con los nombres de los dos refleja la unión próxima de vuestros cuerpos. Una invitación rústica y creativa.

Si quieres que tu invitación no sea leída y guardada en un cajón, pues este modelo con un rompecabezas incluído es el elegido. Necesita colocarse dentro de una caja para mejor presentación. Podría ser divertido también para los niños (hijos de tus invitados).

Esta invitación de boda es para novios románticos, aquellos que saben que el matrimonio los hará ver las estrellas y sentirse como en las nubes.

Observa que la invitación esta compuesta de cuatros partes unidas por un lazo.

Si quieres brindar a tus invitados un paquete más completo, puedes hacerle llegar la invitación en unas minis cajas con unas tarjetas pequeñas, y adicionalmente colocarles una bolsita con arroz para cuando sea la celebración.

Lo peculiar de esta invitación de boda es que esta puesta en una caja rectangular y dispuesta en un rollito amarrado por un lazo, como si fuese u comunicado de la antigua Roma.


Peinados novias con trenza

Una de las tendencias más populares en peinados para novias 2011 es agregarle trenzas al peinado de boda. Las trenzas le dan un toque sofisticado al peinado y hacen que se destaque sin la necesidad de utilizar herramientas de calor o productos de peluquería.

Los peinados recogidos son un clásico entre las novias, pero sin duda al agregarle trenzas le damos un toque moderno y fino al peinado. Hay una gran variedad de peinados para novias con trenzas 2011 que puedes probar o usar como inspiración:

El flequillo trenzado le añade un toque de glamour a un estilo convencional, además los peinados trenzados no requieren mantenimiento, ya que las trenzas son una herramienta firme.

Añadir varias trenzas delgadas en todo el cabello ayuda a lograr a un look romántico.

Las trenzas pueden ofrecer un estilo estructurado a un peinado, pero al mismo tiempo ofrecen encanto clásico y refinado. No hay reglas en cuanto a trenzas, puedes comenzar con una idea y terminar con un resultado que puede ser el perfecto para ti. Tómate tu tiempo para crear el peinado trenzado que más satisfaga tus deseos.

Puede que las trenzas eliminen la necesidad de usar accesorios para el pelo, siendo así una gran opción para aquellas que tienen un enfoque más minimalista en cuanto a accesorios.

Una trenza colocada en la corona de la cabeza supone una tiara natural o una corona natural. Siempre atraerá mucho la atención. Puedes hacerlo con pelo natural si tienes el pelo largo, sino puedes usar extensiones de cabello.

Los grados de complejidad en peinados con trenzas 2011 son variables. La combinación de diferentes estilos como las trenzas francesas y trenzas cola de pescado es otra de las opciones perfectas para una novia elegante.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Nico Rosberg shows off 2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK

The benefits of having an F1 team is that, in the off season at least, you've got some of the world's best professional drivers on call for test driving duties. And promotional detail, too.
Specifically, In this case, we're talking about star driver Nico Rosberg and upcoming Mercedes-Benz 2012 SLK. Michael Scheer-Vehicle engineer riding in the new roadster around Monte Carlo shot some footage as Rosberg brief us of what to expect from the new SLK. Check it out in the video

Nico Rosberg shows off 2012 Mercedes-Benz SLK

The benefits of having an F1 team is that, in the off season at least, you've got some of the world's best professional drivers on call for test driving duties. And promotional detail, too.
Specifically, In this case, we're talking about star driver Nico Rosberg and upcoming Mercedes-Benz 2012 SLK. Michael Scheer-Vehicle engineer riding in the new roadster around Monte Carlo shot some footage as Rosberg brief us of what to expect from the new SLK. Check it out in the video

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon

Brush your long, grungy mop from your eyes, turn down the Nirvana and take a look around. It's the early '90s and an army of sport utility vehicles are flooding the streets. The newest four-wheeled object of America's affection has quickly become the default mode of transportation for everyone from inner city professionals to suburban soccer moms.

Fast forward a couple of decades and although sport utes are still around, they've largely been displaced by the crossover – the SUV's easier-to-maneuver, more fuel efficient and more comfortable unibody progeny. But even after years of refinement, the CUV is still a basketcase of compromises. Which begs the question: Did we have it right back in the day? Is a wagon still the best compromise of size, functionality and driving dynamics? We snagged the keys to a 2011 Acura TSX Sports Wagon to find out.

Needless to say, the TSX Sport Wagon is based on its sedan counterpart, but in addition to its two-box shape, Acura has set it off with a redesigned grille. The new piece looks far less hawk-nosed than the one worn by the four-door, as its been broken up by a thinner frame that creates a slimming effect. The lower bumper also improves front-end styling with a much wider and more aggressive appearance. Seeing the TSX Sport Wagon for the first time is a bit like running into that formerly plain-looking girl from high school who got some work done and now dates a pro baseball player; she looks nearly the same, but somehow better. And she knows it. All of which suggests that Acura's stylists may have been listening to at least some of the criticism they've received over the company's controversial front fascia.

The Sport Wagon's updated nose gives way to that long wagon body, which also benefits from a handful of well-placed styling elements. Noticeable fender bulges wrap around the 17-inch five-spoke aluminum wheels and serve to bookend a razor sharp shoulder crease. A strong character line takes over and works its way around the perimeter of the car. It's a neat visual trick that keeps your eyes moving along the bodywork, and it also helps to hide the extra length the wagon wears – a grand total of about 3.6 inches. The overall appearance, however, is somewhat sportier than the sedan because of how the rotund rear end sets off the car's stance.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon side view2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon front view2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon rear view

The driver's perch gives you the chance to enjoy the TSX's dark trim and subtle contrast stitching on its seats. The heated leather front chairs wrap around your body like a mold and while the Audi A4 Avant, BMW 328i Sport Wagon and Volvo V50 might have nice seats, none of them offer standard heating and few are as comfortable. Rear seat passengers are well taken care of, too, as the wagon loses just 0.1-inch of headroom compared to the sedan, while leg, hip and shoulder room all remain the same.

Better still, the rear seats fold down nearly flat with the touch of a switch. The side pockets and lower panels can be removed to reveal even more storage options and the 28-inch height of the rear opening allows for some sizable objects to catch a lift. The 60.5 cubic-feet of rear cargo space is downright cavernous compared to the 50.5, 48.9 and 44.2 found in the Audi, BMW and Volvo, respectively. The closest you'll get to equaling the TSX's cargo hold is the Cadillac CTS Wagon which comes in at 58 cubes with the seats folded flat.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon interior2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon front seats2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon rear seats2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon rear cargo area

It's not just comfort and utility that makes the TSX Sport Wagon a near ideal place to log trips over the hills and through the woods. All of the knobs and switches are easy to reach, and the available infotainment system hits the moving target of today's technological standards. With the exception of the bulbous multi-directional controller blighting the center stack, the controls are logically laid out, providing an easy learning curve. Dual-zone climate controls keep more than just the driver happy and even the base seven-speaker sound system provides an enjoyable audio experience. The navigation system and rearview camera, however, only show up on the dashboard if you opt for the Technology Package, but Bluetooth and USB audio come standard.

The base model starts at $30,960 plus $860 for destination and handling, while the TSX Sport Wagon with Tech Package costs $34,610 plus D&H. When upgrading to the latter, buyers also receive a power-actuated tailgate, boosted ELS 460-watt 10-speaker audio system with voice recognition, navigation with real-time weather, traffic updates and dynamic re-routing, and the rearview camera. A loaded Acura TSX Sport Wagon with Tech Package still comes in under the base price of the A4 ($35,940), 328i ($36,200) and comparably-equipped V50 ($35,650). The Caddy? Just over $38,000 in base spec.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon gauges2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon navigation system2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon climate controls2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon shifter

Comparing pricing and amenities never paints a complete picture, though, and that's where driving dynamics come into play. "Sport" is the TSX Sport Wagon's middle name, and after hauling around Southern California for a couple of days, the moniker is well-deserved. If just. The suspension is firm – almost surprisingly so – making this five-door a joy to push hard, at least on SoCal's smooth roads. The rack-and-pinion steering is also tight and responsive, combining neatly with the TSX's stiff suspenders to make for an engaging driving experience.

When the road turns even slightly rough, however, the TSX Sport Wagon transforms into something of a child's moonbounce. While never unsettled, on certain course surfaces we found the Acura to be not unlike navigating a Boston whaler across a choppy harbor. Suspension for this front-wheel drive wagon is composed of double wishbones up front and multi-link setup in the rear, and we suspect the issue lies with the constant-rate coil springs. Perhaps a set of progressive units would help smooth things out, but prospective buyers who live in areas blessed with four distinctly separate seasons should keep the TSX Sport Wagon's stiff nature in mind.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon headlights2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon grille2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon grille2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon taillight

Under the hood of the TSX Sport Wagon lies a 2.4-liter four-cylinder producing 201 horsepower at 7,000 rpm and 172 pound-feet of torque at 4,300 rpm. That doesn't sound like much, but the powertrain actually provides a surprising amount of motivation for this 3,599-pound premium utility sled and sounds pretty good while doing it.

Power is routed to the front wheels courtesy of a five-speed automatic transmission, while a pair of paddles mounted to the steering wheel allow for manual gear selection. When left alone, the automatic shifts smoothly, though sometimes it plays a game of hide-and-seek when pressing on with authority. If you're not in the mood for the cogbox's automated games, you can always switch the transmission into Sport and use the paddleshifters. Fortunately, whatever speed you build is just as easy to shed thanks to the TSX's well-sorted 11.8-inch ventilated front and 11.1-inch solid rear discs.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon engine

A six-speed manual transmission would offer even more engagement, but sadly Acura can't build a business case for one. When pressed why we can't get a row-our-own version, Acura officials indicated that the company expects to sell around 4,000 units per year, or 10 percent of all TSX models sold. The take rate for manual transmissions amongst current TSX buyers is only around two to three percent, and with the wagon already making up a minority of TSX sales, it doesn't make financial sense to offer a three-pedal model.

So where is the V6 that's offered in the sedan? The four-cylinder does a surprisingly credible job, but the 280-hp, 3.5-liter unit available in the four-door would be a welcome addition. Just as Acura was listening to its customers with regards to the front-end design, it's also evidently deferred to market research regarding what engine to plunk in the TSX Wagon's beaky nose. As the theory goes, the average wagon buyer doesn't need 280 hp when 201 hp works just fine, and prospective buyers Acura spoke with placed a higher priority on fuel economy than power. The 2.4-liter is rated at 22 miles per gallon in the city and 30 miles per gallon on the highway, while the V6-powered sedan achieves 18/27 – numbers that would no doubt fall in the heavier wagon.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon rear 3/4 view

That all said, why is the TSX Sport Wagon finally available in the U.S.? Because Acura says it wants to provide an SUV alternative for its entry-level customers. The wagon is aimed squarely at those successful members of Generation-Y for whom owning an SUV has become a stigma. Priced below the competition and boasting better fuel economy, the 2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon is not yet the near-luxury estate of our dreams, but it's a welcome step in the continued resurrection of the premium wagon.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon

Brush your long, grungy mop from your eyes, turn down the Nirvana and take a look around. It's the early '90s and an army of sport utility vehicles are flooding the streets. The newest four-wheeled object of America's affection has quickly become the default mode of transportation for everyone from inner city professionals to suburban soccer moms.

Fast forward a couple of decades and although sport utes are still around, they've largely been displaced by the crossover – the SUV's easier-to-maneuver, more fuel efficient and more comfortable unibody progeny. But even after years of refinement, the CUV is still a basketcase of compromises. Which begs the question: Did we have it right back in the day? Is a wagon still the best compromise of size, functionality and driving dynamics? We snagged the keys to a 2011 Acura TSX Sports Wagon to find out.

Needless to say, the TSX Sport Wagon is based on its sedan counterpart, but in addition to its two-box shape, Acura has set it off with a redesigned grille. The new piece looks far less hawk-nosed than the one worn by the four-door, as its been broken up by a thinner frame that creates a slimming effect. The lower bumper also improves front-end styling with a much wider and more aggressive appearance. Seeing the TSX Sport Wagon for the first time is a bit like running into that formerly plain-looking girl from high school who got some work done and now dates a pro baseball player; she looks nearly the same, but somehow better. And she knows it. All of which suggests that Acura's stylists may have been listening to at least some of the criticism they've received over the company's controversial front fascia.

The Sport Wagon's updated nose gives way to that long wagon body, which also benefits from a handful of well-placed styling elements. Noticeable fender bulges wrap around the 17-inch five-spoke aluminum wheels and serve to bookend a razor sharp shoulder crease. A strong character line takes over and works its way around the perimeter of the car. It's a neat visual trick that keeps your eyes moving along the bodywork, and it also helps to hide the extra length the wagon wears – a grand total of about 3.6 inches. The overall appearance, however, is somewhat sportier than the sedan because of how the rotund rear end sets off the car's stance.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon side view2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon front view2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon rear view

The driver's perch gives you the chance to enjoy the TSX's dark trim and subtle contrast stitching on its seats. The heated leather front chairs wrap around your body like a mold and while the Audi A4 Avant, BMW 328i Sport Wagon and Volvo V50 might have nice seats, none of them offer standard heating and few are as comfortable. Rear seat passengers are well taken care of, too, as the wagon loses just 0.1-inch of headroom compared to the sedan, while leg, hip and shoulder room all remain the same.

Better still, the rear seats fold down nearly flat with the touch of a switch. The side pockets and lower panels can be removed to reveal even more storage options and the 28-inch height of the rear opening allows for some sizable objects to catch a lift. The 60.5 cubic-feet of rear cargo space is downright cavernous compared to the 50.5, 48.9 and 44.2 found in the Audi, BMW and Volvo, respectively. The closest you'll get to equaling the TSX's cargo hold is the Cadillac CTS Wagon which comes in at 58 cubes with the seats folded flat.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon interior2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon front seats2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon rear seats2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon rear cargo area

It's not just comfort and utility that makes the TSX Sport Wagon a near ideal place to log trips over the hills and through the woods. All of the knobs and switches are easy to reach, and the available infotainment system hits the moving target of today's technological standards. With the exception of the bulbous multi-directional controller blighting the center stack, the controls are logically laid out, providing an easy learning curve. Dual-zone climate controls keep more than just the driver happy and even the base seven-speaker sound system provides an enjoyable audio experience. The navigation system and rearview camera, however, only show up on the dashboard if you opt for the Technology Package, but Bluetooth and USB audio come standard.

The base model starts at $30,960 plus $860 for destination and handling, while the TSX Sport Wagon with Tech Package costs $34,610 plus D&H. When upgrading to the latter, buyers also receive a power-actuated tailgate, boosted ELS 460-watt 10-speaker audio system with voice recognition, navigation with real-time weather, traffic updates and dynamic re-routing, and the rearview camera. A loaded Acura TSX Sport Wagon with Tech Package still comes in under the base price of the A4 ($35,940), 328i ($36,200) and comparably-equipped V50 ($35,650). The Caddy? Just over $38,000 in base spec.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon gauges2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon navigation system2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon climate controls2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon shifter

Comparing pricing and amenities never paints a complete picture, though, and that's where driving dynamics come into play. "Sport" is the TSX Sport Wagon's middle name, and after hauling around Southern California for a couple of days, the moniker is well-deserved. If just. The suspension is firm – almost surprisingly so – making this five-door a joy to push hard, at least on SoCal's smooth roads. The rack-and-pinion steering is also tight and responsive, combining neatly with the TSX's stiff suspenders to make for an engaging driving experience.

When the road turns even slightly rough, however, the TSX Sport Wagon transforms into something of a child's moonbounce. While never unsettled, on certain course surfaces we found the Acura to be not unlike navigating a Boston whaler across a choppy harbor. Suspension for this front-wheel drive wagon is composed of double wishbones up front and multi-link setup in the rear, and we suspect the issue lies with the constant-rate coil springs. Perhaps a set of progressive units would help smooth things out, but prospective buyers who live in areas blessed with four distinctly separate seasons should keep the TSX Sport Wagon's stiff nature in mind.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon headlights2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon grille2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon grille2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon taillight

Under the hood of the TSX Sport Wagon lies a 2.4-liter four-cylinder producing 201 horsepower at 7,000 rpm and 172 pound-feet of torque at 4,300 rpm. That doesn't sound like much, but the powertrain actually provides a surprising amount of motivation for this 3,599-pound premium utility sled and sounds pretty good while doing it.

Power is routed to the front wheels courtesy of a five-speed automatic transmission, while a pair of paddles mounted to the steering wheel allow for manual gear selection. When left alone, the automatic shifts smoothly, though sometimes it plays a game of hide-and-seek when pressing on with authority. If you're not in the mood for the cogbox's automated games, you can always switch the transmission into Sport and use the paddleshifters. Fortunately, whatever speed you build is just as easy to shed thanks to the TSX's well-sorted 11.8-inch ventilated front and 11.1-inch solid rear discs.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon engine

A six-speed manual transmission would offer even more engagement, but sadly Acura can't build a business case for one. When pressed why we can't get a row-our-own version, Acura officials indicated that the company expects to sell around 4,000 units per year, or 10 percent of all TSX models sold. The take rate for manual transmissions amongst current TSX buyers is only around two to three percent, and with the wagon already making up a minority of TSX sales, it doesn't make financial sense to offer a three-pedal model.

So where is the V6 that's offered in the sedan? The four-cylinder does a surprisingly credible job, but the 280-hp, 3.5-liter unit available in the four-door would be a welcome addition. Just as Acura was listening to its customers with regards to the front-end design, it's also evidently deferred to market research regarding what engine to plunk in the TSX Wagon's beaky nose. As the theory goes, the average wagon buyer doesn't need 280 hp when 201 hp works just fine, and prospective buyers Acura spoke with placed a higher priority on fuel economy than power. The 2.4-liter is rated at 22 miles per gallon in the city and 30 miles per gallon on the highway, while the V6-powered sedan achieves 18/27 – numbers that would no doubt fall in the heavier wagon.

2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon rear 3/4 view

That all said, why is the TSX Sport Wagon finally available in the U.S.? Because Acura says it wants to provide an SUV alternative for its entry-level customers. The wagon is aimed squarely at those successful members of Generation-Y for whom owning an SUV has become a stigma. Priced below the competition and boasting better fuel economy, the 2011 Acura TSX Sport Wagon is not yet the near-luxury estate of our dreams, but it's a welcome step in the continued resurrection of the premium wagon.